How to Attach Free Subscription to RHEL 9 System

In this post, we will cover how to attach free subscription to RHEL 9 system.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular and reliable operating system for enterprise-level computing. However, to fully benefit from its features and receive technical support, it is important to attach a valid subscription to your installation.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that a free subscription is not available for commercial use. If you plan to use RHEL for commercial purposes, you must purchase a paid subscription

1) Register for a Red Hat Developer account

The first step to attaching a subscription to RHEL 9 is to register for a Red Hat Developer account. This is a free account that provides access to many of Red Hat’s development tools and resources, including subscriptions to certain Red Hat products. To register, simply go to and follow the instructions to create an account.

2 ) Attach the Subscription

There are two ways to attach subscription to your RHEL 9 system either from Command Line or from Desktop environment (GUI). In post, we will discuss the command line method.

To attach subscription from command line, run following subscription-manager command

$ sudo subscription-manager register --username [Red Hat Developer account username] --password [Red Hat Developer account password] --auto-attach


$ sudo subscription-manager register --username --password xxxxxxxx --auto-attach



This command will automatically attach a free Developer Subscription to your RHEL 9 system. You can verify that the subscription is attached by running the following command:

$ sudo subscription-manager list --available


Note: If your RHEL 9 system is behind the proxy server then subscription-manager can be configured to use a proxy in several ways,

  • via standard HTTP_PROXY , HTTPS_PROXY , NO_PROXY environment variables (environment-level settings)
  • via options in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf (application-level settings)
  • via command-line arguments (command-level overrides)

3) Test and Validate Subscription

Run below dnf command to list repo enabled after attaching the subsctiion,

$ sudo dnf repolist


Above output shows that RHEL 9 AppStream and BaseOS repository are enabled. Now, test these repositories by installing nginx web server package, run

$ sudo dnf install nginx -y


Perfect above output confirms that we are able install packages using repositories which are enabled after attaching the subscription.

Removing Subscription

To remove subscription, run following command,

$ sudo subscription-manager unregister
Unregistering from:
System has been unregistered.

That’s all from this post, I hope you have found it informative. Kindly do post you queries and feedback in below comments section.

Also Read: How to Download RPM Packages Without Installing on RHEL 8

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